Thursday, June 11, 2009

Being fat....

Getting pretty annoyed with looking and feeling fat. For what ever reason I decided to try on my goal jeans yesterday. Not only could I do them up, not only could I walk and sit comfortable in them, but they look better than my current pair. So then, I tear off the jeans and tank and pull on my evening dress, which I'd like the opportunity to wear again and look sexy in. Ok, it slides up and down easy, boobs look great.... ok, maybe I am seeing some changes and not realizing it!

I got two Pilates video's (one's a bit old, I like the Pilates for Dummies one) and two of the 5 Carmen Electra Strippertease Aerobics videos. Tried the Pilates, and for the first time I found something I can't do. Which really hurt my feelings... not to mention my neck (and I was in the perfect position too! So today (despite having a fever) I'm going to try the stripper tease video. The ones I have are just her cardio warm up, which has both her and the trainer sweating... so it can't hurt to try right?

I'm aiming to do 2000 minutes over the next ten or 12 weeks. That's less than an hour 3x a week (on top of my walking) so we'll see which goal I reach first in my sig, my distance, or my time!

I skipped my measure in this week. My period is here in full force and I can feel and see that I am very bloated. Gonna pound back the water today to see if I can fix that!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

There's just something peaceful....

About a nice long walk in the evening with a good friend. Chris and I walked down to Dairy Queen and back tonight, and it was so nice. And I don't mean the ice cream. LOL.

I need more casual downtime in my life. Just time to stop and relax. Sure the stress of my life has been cut down to a small fraction of what it had been before I moved out, but there is still some that I would like to get rid of.

I'm debating between yoga and meditation. I don't think I have the discipline for meditation, but I may for yoga. I've got the links for it on the computer, I just need to clean the rest of my room so I have the floor space for it. I think I'll start with the corpse pose... bet I fall asleep. LOL