Sunday, May 16, 2010


Yes, last weekend I was pretty sure JP and I were nothing. Yes, I'm aware I change my mine faster than Canadian weather. I take full responsibility for the events going the way they did, and we're over them.

The point behind this (slightly drunken) post, is simple. I fell tonight. No, I didn't stumble and hurt myself (did that last week, torn ligaments and all). No, I fell for JP. I'm tired of fighting it. If I get hurt, I get hurt, so be it. But I'm going to enjoy what I have now with him, and hope (maybe even pray) for what could come. There is something special about this boy, something I haven't found in a person in.. well.. ever. Sweet, kind, funny.. he has it all. I don't know what's going to happen when he makes the trip over here. And I don't know how I'm going to handle it when he leaves. But I'm going to take it one step at a time and enjoy it.

So world.. I have fallen for a boy. And I'm going to throw my arms wide, tip my head back and enjoy the rush of the wind... and one day when I land.. I pray it's in his arms.

Monday, May 10, 2010


call me immature if you want. call me indecisive. but right now i'm so hurt I do not know what to do with myself.

I've definitely read too much in to JP. And now I'm hurting because of it.

Maybe when I'm not over emotional, i'll elaborate.


the way that life works for me, isn't always a good thing. There is so much that I want to have, or would like to have, or wish to have, and I often wonder just how much, if any of it, I will ever have happen. Some of them are basic wishes, others seem to be a little weirder.

My basic desires are pretty much straightforward for "most" women. I say most because there are some out there that really do not want them. These would be a man, and kids. Notice the wording I used. Man and Kids rather than husband and kids. I say this because I do not believe that you should have to get married to have children, if you dont want to. That's not saying marriage isn't something I dont want... because it is. However, as I creep towards 30 (3.5 years now), the desire for children has started to outweigh the desire for a white dress and "i do's". For some people, the vows come first, which I understand.. but if that's the case I'd like to get them out of the way asap!

I'm really starting to feel the pull for kids. My aunt's due with her 2nd baby in the next 3 weeks. MY AUNT. Not a sister, or a cousin, but my aunt who's 16 years my senior. Since her first was born in 2003 I have had 6 miscarriages. Yes I have reason for them all, nothing too serious (birth control is NOT my friend) and nothing my fault.. but I've still had an opportunity to love and carry a baby and had it ripped away. To put it gently I'm so jealous of my aunt that I'll have problems not running away with her baby once she's here. I'm 26, going on 27. I'm single, I have no official prospects for a man... and I dont have the heart to go out and look for one. I'm going to blame JP for that, becuase god dammit I want him and he's too damn far away for me to do anything about it! But it's getting harder and harder to not want to go and start having a slew of one night stands with out protection, lying to the guys saying I'm on something just to get knocked up. Not a good way to go, I know this, which is why I've never done it... but the appeal is there!

JP and I have been having some problems communicating lately. Stupid stuff ticks me off (not just him, works straight across the board from men to family to friends, to ppl I dont know), and it's hard to stay calm and feel rational. I hold people to their word. You say you'll do it, you better do it or give me a damn good reason (and some notice) as to why. I dont care what he does or where he goes, but if he says "I'll talk to you tomorrow" I want to either talk to him, or hear from him saying he wont be around... with the 2 hour time difference it's almost necessary to avoid me ruining an entire evening or staying up late when I dont have to. He probably feels like I want him to check in, but really.. I dont. I know better than to ask a guy to check in for something, especially one I'm not dating. That's suicide, and I'm not suicidial at the moment! Just dont want to sit around and wait when nothing's going to happen.

This disagreement, tho it seems to have been dealt with and handled (I think..), makes me very nervous about talking to him. Yes, I'm the one who got upset, but when I explained it to him he was obviously annoyed with me. I like this boy, a lot. In fact, if he lived here, I'd be willing to throw away the love of my single life for him. He's a guy, he's going to mess up and be a guy. Nothing that I can do about that. But where he's so far away it puts me on eggshells. I dont want to fight with him. I want to get to know him, get comfortable and pray that we get to meet at some point. Since OT isn't available at work anymore, it's almost up to him to come here and see me because it's just not possible for me to save up the $1200 between now and the end of the year.

In short, I feel like the only "wishful prospect" has gone. I know he hasn't, but I've just got a feeling my words may have ruined it all. I'm gonna back off him a little see if he is still interested. He did talk to me last night for an hour or so, but it seemed strained. That could be just me, but we'll have to see where it goes. I really hope that this can be gotten beyond, I really do like him. I'm no longer afraid to say I'm falling for him, because that would be lying. I haven't fallen yet, but I'm certain should he try and pack me in a suitcase I wont fuss as long as he remembers to grab my camera and my wallet. This still scares me a little, I've spent 2 years avoiding guys... but there's just something a little different about him. *sigh* I'm allowed to dream.. shut up.


The route home from work has me feeling a little bitter right now. It seems like everywhere I go I see teen moms or young ppl sporting obvious engagement rings. I know that envy is not appealing.. but god dammit! I'm older, I want it too! Gerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Sunday, May 9, 2010


I'm feeling better today. Things got bad, very very bad.. but they've settled out. I'll write more tomorrow...

Change of Heart

I love when things come around and right themselves! No more freaking out for me... having a lil bit of a change of heart from last night. Nothing I hate more than being told something and another happen... totally changes my opinion of someone.

Thanks JP.

if this change of heart is a good thing.. why the hell am I in tears?


Now that I've calmed down a little... I dont think I've had a change of heart.. but I am hurt. however, when I went top edit this post I found a post I thought had been lost during a glitch.. I never thought to look in drafts. I wrote this way back in December or January.. and it made me feel bad for being angry with him over something like this (January 10th). Doesn't mean I have to like what happened tonight. Doesn't mean I'm not going to explain to him why I'm upset. Doesn't mean a lot of things. But what it does mean is I think I like him enough to ignore it.

This is why:

"the reason I do not like to like people....

is because things always go wrong. I often wonder why I even bother trying.

I've been avoiding updating my blog because someone has the link, and I do not want to talk about them when they can see it. I save that for private chats with other friends. But after several days of being shunned, I need to get his off of my chest.

Well world, well JP, if you're reading this, you're about to get a good look into my mind. Folks, I like a boy. I like him a lot. I have no FUCKING idea why I like him most of the time, because he can be the biggest prick, asshole, concieted idiot I've ever met. but then I get him privately, and he changes. He's sweet, talented, driven and friendly. However, I've not seen that side of him in almost 2 months. I miss that side of him. I get butterflies when I talk to him, I get sad when he's mean, I cry if he insults me (even if he's picking), I get excited when i see him online.

He doesn't live here, he lives half way across the country and down a little. I'd love to meet him. But right now he's not even talking to me, or to anyone. I keep being told it's not my fault, that he's got issues. Which I don't doubt. However, I'd thought of him as a friend before, and apparenlty that was my problem. Friends don't disappear lie this.

This has left me in a tight spot. Do I wait it out, or do I let it go? I promised another friend I'd give him a week, it's been 3 days and I'm already going crazy! 7 days is going to be next to impossible. I hope he comes around, and at least replies to a message. I really miss him....

and that's all I've got to say for now, I'm sure there will be more.

JP if you're reading this, email me. Even a 'leave me alone' would be helpful right now. I miss you."

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Uh oh...

it's happening. I can feel it.

I'm not ready for this. Someone make it stop. Please.. I BEG YOU! I'm having a minor freak out here people! Yes, I know I'm ready for this on one level, but so not ready for it on many other levels!

It needs to happen to him first, it can't be me. It's always me!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Early morning tears....

Today did not start off in a good way. Well, in reality it did, I was talking with JP at just after midnight. But once he said good night and I crawled back into bed, the night wasn't so great.

I had a dream last night. It seems like it was my HS graduation or something, I was looking for clothing. Tho the outfit was cute, it was easy to tell from the size alone that I wasn't really me in the dream, or at least not the real me. And really, not even the me I'd like to look like one day.. a lil on the small side. But the main focus of the dream was me trying to be someone I'm not, and my family watching me do it. By the end of the dream I was sitting in the back seat of some old huge car with Dad. He wasn't dad, but the sick old man that we saw last going off. And he just kept looking at me. Like he couldn't figure out who I was at all. I hate these dreams, because they make me realize that I was home so infrequently that he really didn't know who I was anymore. *pout*.

And then I ended up benig smacked with a song on my way to work. I love the song "Open your eyes." by Daughtry, I have since his CD came out. When I acutally listened to the words this morning, for the first time since dad passed away, I cried. Like big tears on my cheeks as I walked to work. This is not the way that I want to start my mornings! Ugh.

So my day started on a high, went down very very low. Hopefully it will come back up a little as the day goes on. If it doesn't, the weekend isn't looking very promising for me!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


When your only forms of readily communication are text messaging and instant messaging, it's no wonder things to awry. Last night was terrible. JP's in a mood cause of work, which I understand. I'm in full blown nightmare PMS, which I think he understands. But this means we're butting heads left and right at a difficult time. It's not that we're mad at each other, we just can't seem to get our points across due to the muddled lines.

But last night was a rough night on me. I understand things are tough at work for him. But, this went back to the early days of us knowing each other where the comments seemed so serious that they were slightly hurtful. I know I'm over sensitive, but I don't like having to read between the lines of things when there are problems. It was so bad that at one point I laid in bed crying because I was so confused. And it didn't help that 2 minutes later my cell phone went off with a text from him. That went on for an hour. It wasn't like I was going to be able to sleep anyways, but the texts were no clearer than the earlier IM convo! *headdesk, headdesk, headdesk* The last text of the night did bring me some peace "I want you here". Oh dear boy, if I could be there, I would be there in a heart beat.

That's the tough part I guess. I want to be there with him or have him here with me. And we just can't. He's got work, I've got work. And now that I've applied for school it's not like I can up and move until next summer even if he asked me to (which I know he wont, but anyways). School tho will give me a diploma in Business Mangement, which means I may actually be able to get a job and function in the world outside of a damn call center! I don't really know what I'll do with the course, but it will open doors for me and I'll actuall get to see what's out there for ppl like me. It will also give me a better leg up in the whole world should I decide to up and leave Canada. Trying to gain entry to any other country, with out an education looks impossible unless you're getting married. And I don't think I'm quite ready for that yet.

Not saying it's not far off. That's my only real reservation for wanting to meet JP. I'm ready to settle. I want to fall in love, get married, have children and be happy for the rest of my life, or however long I'm meant to be happy for. Right now I'm at a stand still. I'm not looking for anyone, because I have the desire to wait and meet him. Not to say I'm going to turn down Mr.Right if he ran me over on the sidewalk, but I'm not actively looking or dating. As far as I know, he's not either.. but I do know he's said he won't make promises that he won't meet someone in the same accidental way described. It gives my life another air of uncertainty. For the moment I'm ok with that. I should start my course on July 7th or so, and it runs for a full 52 weeks. I can't balance work, friends, school and a guy who's demanding my attention out of the house. But after that.. then what?

I'm probably reading a lot more into this whole thing with JP than I need to. But I've been so lonely for so long, I'm ready to allow myself to be jaded for a little while. But maybe I'm not being jaded, because I LIKE him, a lot. Maybe I'm content to sit here and wait a little because it's him that I want, not someone else. Guess I'm just gonna have to be patient.. I'm always in such a rush for things that I ruin them. Someone chain me to the wall and give me a chew toy?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


decided to stop putting it all off, and I applied for my Distance Education course. If I can get student loan funding to cover it, I will be staring a Computerized business management course in July. This is exciting!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I find it odd, ironic even, that the girl who wants nothing more than to fall in love, is afraid of feelings. In fact, it can bring me to a fit of giggles that will last for twenty minutes.

I have feelings for JP. There is no doubt about it. He is sweet, and charming, and obviously likes me as much as I like him. But the distance between us puts up a wall for me, one part of me wants to scale, the other part wants me to run and hide behind it so he cannot see me. It brings back a deja vu from Kris, ever tho the situation is different. Kris had Sarah, JP does not have anyone in his life (that he's admitted to anyways lol). Kris was 700km away, JP is 2900km away. Kris was a farm boy, JP is a country boy. The main kicker tho, is the lack of a woman in his life, and this gives me urges, and desires for him that I didn't have for Kris.

Long story made short, I could fall for JP so fast. Fast enough to make me motion sick. He made the comment (in reply to my falling fast comment) the other night "I already have, I'm just waiting to land." I really hate to make assumptions on the things that he says, because that could set me up for a huge crash landing, the bad kind. But he told me last night, that my assumptions are probably correct to start with. Internet relationships, even of the friendship kind are always rocky. There isn't much that can be done about them really, unless someone is willing to take the leap and do something about it. Both of us seem to want to make this leap, it's just not the right time, and it's just not easy!

At this point, I'm not sure if I want to hide the fact that I'm falling for him from him. I have been trying, but I know I sent him a half asleep mail last night about it.
"you... do you have any idea how hard you are making it to not fall absolutely head over heels for you? I've wanted to say that to you for a while now but i was afraid of scaring you off. But as i laid in bed with my heart racing, my chest hurting i realized just how easy it would be to close my eyes and jump. And even though i should be sleeping...i just had to get it out there."
I want to fall for him. He, so far, is exactly what I've been looking for my entire life. I've had issues with age, and type of work, and body size for years.. and tho he doesn't fit into my past "ideals" he is what I want. He is WHO I want. But I'm so afraid to fall for him and for things to go wrong. It would be just my luck to finally give in and let myself fall, and care, and possibly (can't belive I'm gonna say this word) love him, and for things to go insanely wrong. I just dont know if I'm strong enough to handle that anymore.

And it will be my luck when he logs in tonight and says he read all this. It will either scare him away, or make him come closer. I just want this summer and fall to go by faster and for him to come here so I can meet him! I know once I have met him things are only going to get harder, because he will have to go back home, and go back to his normal life. And that's going to tear me up inside, but it will be worth it. So very very worth it.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I never thought, when I found someone I truly believed to be Mr. Right.. that I'd be filled with absolute fear over it. My brain automatically jumps back to "all men are awful and will hurt you." even tho I feel deep down that's not the truth.

JP is becoming more open with me each time we talk. It's obvious that the attraction between is us not just physical. Sweet words are exchanged, and desires that have nothing to do with sex. And they absoutely frighten me! Maybe it's partly the distance, maybe it's the fact that nothing lasts more than a few months for me. But I want the feeling to go away! No one has ever treated me like he does. He's sweet, and generous and sexy as hell. I love his accent, his jokes, his compliments. He's everything personality wise that I've been wanting to find my whole life! The easy "click" that we've had is probably what scares me, but the length of time it's taken to get to this point should reassure me.. especially when there are several months left before we finally get to take the plunge and meet.

I just want to wake up and go "I'm ok with this, I love this, I want this." Right now i'm still in the "OMG, what the hell is going on... I want him."